Write Copy, Make Money.


As I write this post; I’m continuing along the track of gainful unemployment and loving what I do, but I’m now faced with the juxtaposition of too much work and not enough hours in the day; my fingers are feeling the pressure and my creativity is in danger of being stifled, which causes me to question – whether, paradoxically, it is time to move on to the next level and an alternative dimension?

I’ve successfully clocked Level One: simply doing what you love and getting paid (something). How does a starving artist like myself, however, delicately redress the balance and endeavour to precariously make the leap to Level Two: a level commonly referred to as ‘charge more’ – without awakening any sleeping monsters? I really have no idea.

I decided to follow some sage advice and do what any sensible writer should do to improve their craft: read more. Recommended to me by a loosely-connected – but thriving – copywriter, is a book called Write Copy, Make Money by Andy Maslen and I hope, by purchasing and reading this highly-regarded reference guide – I can shed some light on the optimum route through this age-old conundrum and find the key to confidently progressing on to lucrative unemployment.

I await delivery with trepidation.

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